investigación en Alemania sobre religiones

Brief Résumée

Prof. Dr. Michael von Brück studied at the Universities of Rostock, Bangalore and Madras. His areas of specialisation include Hinduism, Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, and the History and Hermeneutics of Inter-Religious Dialogue, on which he has published numerous writings. In addition to Guest Professorships in India, the U.S.A. and Germany, he was Professor for Comparative Religion at the University of Regensburg from 1988-1991. Since 1991, he has been Professor of Religious Studies and Head of the Inter-Faculty Course of Study in Religious Studies at the University of Munich.
doppelter Rechts-Pfeil Plea for a Politics of Inter-Religious Dialogue Deutsche Flagge Englische Flagge
doppelter Rechts-Pfeil Religions Today Deutsche Flagge Englische Flagge
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Graf; Copyright: Institut für Systematische Theologie/Friedrich Wilhel Graf Friedrich Wilhelm Graf, PhD. In theology, was born in 1948 in Wuppertal, germany. He studied Protestant theology, philosophy and history at the universities of Wuppertal, Tübingen and Munich, and has been Professor for systematic Theology and ethics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich since 1999. In 1999 he was awarded the Leibniz Prize of the German Association of Higher Studies (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), the first theologian to receive this award. Prof. Graf is a regular member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften). In 2006/2007 Friedrich Wilhelm Graf is at the Institute for Advanced study in Berlin.
doppelter Rechts-Pfeil Friedrich Wilhelm Graf on the Challenge of the Religions Deutsche Flagge Englische Flagge
Lamya Kaddor Lamya Kaddor, M.A., is the academic assistant at Germany’s first university chair for the religion of Islam at the Centre for Religious Studies of the University of Münster. She is working as a teacher as part of North-Rhine/Westphalia’s trial phase of “Islamic studies in German”, and is writing a doctoral thesis on “Blood and its significance in Islam” in the field of Islamic theology. Since the 2006/2007 school year, she has been offering further training on behalf of the Culture Ministry of Lower Saxony in the field of “Theory of Islamic Religious Instruction and Theology”.
doppelter Rechts-Pfeil Classes in Islamic Religion and Studies at German Schools Deutsche Flagge Englische Flagge
Hubert Knoblauch, born in 1959. Professor of General Sociology at the Technical University Berlin. 2000 – 2002 Professor of Religious Sociology at the Zurich University. Focal areas: sociology of knowledge, religious sociology, communication, qualitative methods. Most recent publications:Religionssoziologie. Berlin/ New York 1999;Berichte aus dem Jenseits. Mythos und Realität der Nahtoderfahrung. Freiburg 1999;Qualitative Religionsforschung. Paderborn 2003; Wissenssoziologie. Konstanz 2005.Homepage
Professor Claus Leggewie (*1950), professor at the Institute for Political Science at Giessen’s Justus-Liebig University since 1989, founding director of the Centre for Media and Interactivity at the university, project leader in the German Research Foundation’s collaborative research centre «Memory Cultures» and co-head of the German Research Foundation’s Research Training Group «Transnational Media Events». Max Weber Chair at New York University from 1995 to 1997, fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna in 1994 and 2006, fellow at the Berlin Institute for Advanced Study in 1999/2000, and director of the Cultural Science Institute in Essen from 2007.
doppelter Rechts-Pfeil Religions and Globalisation Deutsche Flagge Englische Flagge
doppelter Rechts-Pfeil Claus Leggewie – Herald of Social ChangeDeutsche Flagge Englische Flagge
Foto: Detlef Pollack, Copyright: privat Detlef Pollack, is a professor for comparative social and cultural studies at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). In 1997 he was a Fellow of theWissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study) in Berlin and in 2003 he held the Max Weber Chair at New York University. His research focuses on the sociology of religion, political cultural research, new social movements and system theory. Homepage

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